Integrated Virtualization

The Hesitation

Most organizations already have their own computing environments. They are likely to have their own ways of managing software and hardware. Adopting new technology can be challenging, for it is not tested on the sites and so for it can risk their prior productivity. Each of Softonnet’s virtualization solution is exclusively separated, but can be well integrated together. You can choose the technology that you may benefit from, and test if it suites your need. If you want to try out another technology, just plug in that technology on side.

Softonnet's Virtualization Technologies

Each virtualization technologies can be easily customized and integrated with others to give better options for your needs. Network separation and the complete cloud computing environment are made possible with the integration.

The Integration

Integration Case 1: Application Virtualization + System Disk Virtualization

  • Software packs and built system disk images are stored on the server.
  • When a user turns on his or her computer, the machine boots up with the virtual system disk.
  • After the booting process is done, when the user launches an application, the software pack on the server is streamed to the virtual software layer on the user's virtual system disk.
  • As the streaming process begins, the application launches as if it is installed on the local machine.

Integrated Virtualization - System and Application Virtualization

Integration Case 2: System Disk Virtualization + Desktop Virtualization

  • Virtual machines and system disk images are stored on the server.
  • When a user turns on his or her computer, the machine boots up with the virtual system disk.
  • If the user needs another computing environment, the user can access the ready-made desktop environments from the server.

Integrated Virtualization - System and Desktop Virtualization

Integration Case 3: Desktop Virtualization + Storage Virtualization

  • Integration of Desktop Virtualization and Storage Virtualization provides logical network separation.
  • Data is managed by network attached storage, memory is controlled by the virtual machines on the server, and the users can access the view by the virtualized desktop environments.
  • This configuration remarkably increases the security of the computing environment by exclusively separating networks used for data, memory, and view management.
  • For more information on the configuration and the network separation, please visit the Network Separation page.

Integrated Virtualization - Network Separation

Integration Case +α : The Complete Cloud Computing

Combination of core virtualization technologies enable the complete cloud computing environment, in which central management of systems, storage, and application with much more customizable cloud features are available.

Integrated Virtualization - The Complete Cloud

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